General Licensure Disclosure – Master of Science in Clinical Psychology

Brescia University Master of Science in Clinical Psychology is specifically designed to meet the licensure requirement for the 肯塔基州 licensed psychological associate and to assist 学生 hoping to bridge the gap between a bachelor and doctoral program. Below is the 机构联系 to the psychology licensing boards across the country.

阿拉巴马州阿拉巴马州心理学家审查委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the educational component for Psychological Technician Applicants. 有关所有要求的详细信息,请参阅州委员会网站.
阿拉斯加阿拉斯加心理学家委员会 & 心理副考官Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for Licensing of Psychological Associates. 有关所有要求的详细信息,请参阅州委员会网站.
阿肯色州阿肯色州心理学考试委员会Brescia University’s MS in Clinical Psychology degree does not meet educational requirements for master-level Psychological Examiner license in the state of 阿肯色州.
加州加州心理委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for Psychological Assistant application. 有关所有要求的详细信息,请参阅州委员会网站.
哥伦比亚特区哥伦比亚特区心理委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for Licensing of Psychological Associates. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
堪萨斯堪萨斯州行为科学管理委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the educational requirement for basic licensing requirements for Licensed Master’s Level Psychologist. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
肯塔基州肯塔基州心理学考试委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for a Psychological Associate license. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
缅因州缅因州心理学家审查委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the educational requirement for the Psychological Examiners licensure. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
马里兰马里兰州心理学家审查委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for a Psychological Associate license. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
密歇根密歇根心理委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement and practicum requirements for the Master’s Limited Psychologist license. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
内布拉斯加州内布拉斯加州心理学家委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for a Psychological Associate license. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
北卡罗莱纳北卡罗来纳心理学委员会不,不能完全在线完成. Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and allows 学生 to complete classes in-person in Owensboro, KY. Students seeking licensure as Psychological Associates will need to attend one-year of in-person classes to fulfill residency requirements for 北卡罗莱纳’s Psychological Associate licensure. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
俄勒冈州俄勒冈心理委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for a Psychological Associate license. Students seeking licensure as Psychological Associates will need to attend one-year of in-person classes to fulfill residency requirements for 俄勒冈州’s Psychological Associate licensure. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
波多黎各波多黎各心理学家考试委员会 - (787) 723-2885无master级License
德州德州心理学家审查委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The 德州 Psychological Associate license requires at least 60 semester credit hours. Additional course work will be needed to fulfill the education requirements for the Psychological Associate license. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
佛蒙特州佛蒙特州心理考试委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for a Psychologist-Master license. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
属维尔京群岛维尔京群岛心理考试委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for a Associate Psychologists and Psychological Associates licensure. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
西维吉尼亚州西弗吉尼亚心理学家审查委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The 西维吉尼亚州 Psychological Associate license requires at least 50 semester credit hours. Additional course work will be needed to fulfill the education requirements for the Psychological Associate license. Students must also attend at least 50% of their course work in person. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.
怀俄明怀俄明心理委员会Brescia University's MS in Clinical Psychology degree is regionally accredited by the Southern Associate of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) fulfilling the initial educational requirement for certification as a Psychological Practitioner. 请参阅董事会网站了解所有要求的详细信息.